Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // d-SEAMS - Deferred Structural Elucidation Analysis for Molecular Simulations
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2018--present d-SEAMS core team
5 //
6 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 // it under the terms of the MIT License as published by
8 // the Open Source Initiative.
9 //
10 // A copy of the MIT License is included in the LICENSE file of this repository.
11 // You should have received a copy of the MIT License along with this program.
12 // If not, see <>.
13 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 // Internal Libraries
16 #include <bond.hpp>
17 #include <generic.hpp>
27  molSys::PointCloud<molSys::Point<double>, double> *yCloud) {
28  //
29  std::vector<std::vector<int>> bonds; // Output vector of vectors
30  std::vector<int> currentBond; // Vector for the current bond
31  int first, second; // Indices for the bonds
32  int iatom, jatom; // Elements of the bond
33  int iatomID, jatomID; // Atom IDs of the elements which are bonded
35  // Error handling
36  if (nList.size() == 0) {
37  // There is some problem!
38  std::cerr << "There are no bonds in the system!\n";
39  return bonds;
40  }
42  // Form of the bonds vector of vectors:
43  // 214 272
44  // 1 2
45  // Meaning that 272 and 214 are bonded; similarly 1 and 2 are bonded
46  // To avoid repitition, discard bonds whose first value is greater than the
47  // second value
49  // Traverse the neighbour list
51  // Loop through every atom in the neighbour list by index
52  for (int i = 0; i < nList.size(); i++) {
53  iatom = nList[i][0]; // Index of the i^th atom
54  // Get the neighbours of iatom
55  for (int j = 1; j < nList[i].size(); j++) {
56  //
57  jatom = nList[iatom][j]; // Index of the neighbour
58  // To avoid duplicates, skip all bonds such
59  // that iatom>jatom
60  if (iatom > jatom) {
61  continue;
62  } // Skip to avoid duplicates
64  // Clear the current bond vector
65  currentBond.clear();
66  // Fill the current bond vector with ATOM IDs
67  iatomID = yCloud->pts[iatom].atomID;
68  jatomID = yCloud->pts[jatom].atomID;
69  currentBond.push_back(iatomID);
70  currentBond.push_back(jatomID);
71  // Add to the bonds vector of vectors
72  bonds.push_back(currentBond);
73  } // end of loop the neighbour list
74  // The last pair is with the last element and the first element
75  // Fill currentBond and update bonds
77  } // end of loop through rings
79  return bonds;
80 }
95  std::vector<cage::iceType> atomTypes) {
96  //
97  std::vector<std::vector<int>> bonds; // Output vector of vectors
98  std::vector<int> currentBond; // Vector for the current bond
99  int first, second; // Indices for the bonds
100  int iatom, jatom; // Elements of the bond
101  int iatomID, jatomID; // Atom IDs of the elements which are bonded
103  // Error handling
104  if (nList.size() == 0) {
105  // There is some problem!
106  std::cerr << "There are no bonds in the system!\n";
107  return bonds;
108  }
110  // Form of the bonds vector of vectors:
111  // 214 272
112  // 1 2
113  // Meaning that 272 and 214 are bonded; similarly 1 and 2 are bonded
114  // To avoid repitition, discard bonds whose first value is greater than the
115  // second value
117  // Traverse the neighbour list
119  // Loop through every atom in the neighbour list by index
120  for (int i = 0; i < nList.size(); i++) {
121  iatom = nList[i][0]; // Index of the i^th atom
122  // Skip for dummy atoms
123  if (atomTypes[iatom] == cage::iceType::dummy) {
124  continue;
125  } // Skip for dummy atoms
126  // Get the neighbours of iatom
127  for (int j = 1; j < nList[i].size(); j++) {
128  //
129  jatom = nList[iatom][j]; // Index of the neighbour
130  // Skip for dummy atoms
131  if (atomTypes[jatom] == cage::iceType::dummy) {
132  continue;
133  } // Skip for dummy atoms
134  // To avoid duplicates, skip all bonds such
135  // that iatom>jatom
136  if (iatom > jatom) {
137  continue;
138  } // Skip to avoid duplicates
140  // Clear the current bond vector
141  currentBond.clear();
142  // Fill the current bond vector with ATOM IDs
143  iatomID = yCloud->pts[iatom].atomID;
144  jatomID = yCloud->pts[jatom].atomID;
145  currentBond.push_back(iatomID);
146  currentBond.push_back(jatomID);
147  // Add to the bonds vector of vectors
148  bonds.push_back(currentBond);
149  } // end of loop the neighbour list
150  // The last pair is with the last element and the first element
151  // Fill currentBond and update bonds
153  } // end of loop through rings
155  return bonds;
156 }
175  molSys::PointCloud<molSys::Point<double>, double> *yCloud,
176  std::vector<std::vector<int>> nList, int targetFrame,
177  int Htype) {
178  //
180  hBondNet; // Output vector of vectors containing the HBN
182  hCloud; // point Cloud for the hydrogen atoms
184  molIDlist; // Vector of vectors; first element is the molID, and the next
185  // two elements are the hydrogen atom indices
187  idMolIDmap; // Unordered map with atom IDs of oxygens as the keys and the
188  // molecular IDs as the values
189  std::vector<int> currentBondList; // Current bond list for atom
190  int nnumNeighbours; // Number of nearest neighbours for the current atom
191  int iatomID, jatomID; // Atom IDs
192  int iatomIndex, jatomIndex; // Atomic indices of oxygen atoms
193  int hAtomIndex; // Atom index of hydrogen
194  int listIndex; // Index in molIDlist corresponding to a particular molecular
195  // ID
196  int jOxyMolID; // Molecular ID of the jatom oxygen atom
197  double hBondLen; // Length of O-H (between the donor O and acceptor H)
198  double distCutoff = 2.42; // Distance cutoff of O-H, hard-coded
199  double angleCutoff = 30; // Angle cutoff in degrees
200  std::vector<double> ooVec; // Array for the O--O vector
201  std::vector<double> ohVec; // Array for the O-H vector
203  // --------------------
204  // Get all the hydrogen atoms in the frame (no slice)
205  hCloud = sinp::readLammpsTrjreduced(filename, targetFrame, &hCloud, Htype);
207  // Get the unordered map of the oxygen atom IDs (keys) and the molecular IDs
208  // (values)
209  idMolIDmap = molSys::createIDMolIDmap(yCloud);
211  // Get a vector of vectors with the molID in the first column, and the
212  // hydrogen atom indices (not ID) in each row
213  molIDlist = molSys::hAtomMolList(&hCloud, yCloud);
215  // Initialize the vector of vectors hBondNet
216  for (int iatom = 0; iatom < yCloud->nop; iatom++) {
217  hBondNet.push_back(std::vector<int>()); // Empty vector for the index iatom
218  // Fill the first element with the atom ID of iatom itself
219  hBondNet[iatom].push_back(yCloud->pts[iatom].atomID);
220  } // end of init of hBondNet
222  // Loop through the neighbour list
223  for (int iatom = 0; iatom < nList.size(); iatom++) {
224  currentBondList.clear(); // Clear the current bond vector
225  iatomID = nList[iatom][0]; // atom ID corresponding to iatom
226  nnumNeighbours = nList[iatom].size() - 1; // No. of nearest neighbours
227  iatomIndex = iatom; // Atomic index
228  //
229  // Loop through the nearest neighbours
230  for (int j = 1; j <= nnumNeighbours; j++) {
231  jatomID = nList[iatom][j]; // Atom ID of the nearest neighbour
232  // Get the hydrogen atom indices corresponding to the molID of jatomID
233  // Find jOxyMolID
234  auto it = idMolIDmap.find(jatomID);
235  if (it != idMolIDmap.end()) {
236  jOxyMolID = it->second;
237  } // found molecular ID of jatom oxygen atom
238  else {
239  continue;
240  } // not found
242  // Find the index inside the molIDlist corresponding to the molecular ID
243  // to look for
244  listIndex = molSys::searchMolList(molIDlist, jOxyMolID);
246  // Get the atom index of the oxygen atom jatom corresponding jatomID
247  auto gotJ = yCloud->idIndexMap.find(jatomID);
248  if (gotJ != yCloud->idIndexMap.end()) {
249  jatomIndex = gotJ->second;
250  } // found atom index of jatomID
251  else {
252  std::cerr << "Something is wrong with the map.\n";
253  continue;
254  } // index not found
256  // Loop through the hydrogen atoms connected to jatom oxygen atom
257  for (int k = 1; k <= 2; k++) {
258  hAtomIndex = molIDlist[listIndex][k];
259  // --------
260  // Condition One: The O-H length (between the donor hydrogen atom and
261  // the acceptor oxygen atom) should be less than 2.42 Angstrom
262  // (hard-coded)
263  hBondLen =
264  bond::getHbondDistanceOH(yCloud, &hCloud, iatomIndex, hAtomIndex);
266  // If O-H distance is greater than or equal to 2.42 then it is not a
267  // hydrogen bond
268  if (hBondLen >= distCutoff) {
269  continue;
270  } // not a hydrogen bond
271  // --------
272  // Condition Two: The angle between the O-H and O--O vectors is less
273  // than 30 degrees (hard-coded)
274  //
275  ooVec.clear();
276  ohVec.clear();
277  // Get the O--O and O-H vectors
278  // O--O
279  ooVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].x -
280  yCloud->pts[jatomIndex].x); // dx
281  ooVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].y -
282  yCloud->pts[jatomIndex].y); // dy
283  ooVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].z -
284  yCloud->pts[jatomIndex].z); // dz
285  // O-H
286  ohVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].x -
287  hCloud.pts[hAtomIndex].x); // dx
288  ohVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].y -
289  hCloud.pts[hAtomIndex].y); // dy
290  ohVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].z -
291  hCloud.pts[hAtomIndex].z); // dz
292  // Apply PBCs
293  for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
294  ooVec[l] -= yCloud->box[l] * round(ooVec[l] / yCloud->box[l]);
295  ohVec[l] -= yCloud->box[l] * round(ohVec[l] / yCloud->box[l]);
296  } // end of applying PBCs to the O-H and O--O vectors
297  //
298  // Get the angle between the O--O and O-H vectors
299  double eigenAngle = gen::eigenVecAngle(ooVec, ohVec);
300  double eigenAngleDeg = gen::radDeg(eigenAngle);
302  //
303  // A hydrogen bond is formed if the angle is less than 30 degrees
304  if (eigenAngleDeg > angleCutoff) {
305  continue;
306  } // not a hydrogen bond
308  // If you have reached this point, then O and H and indeed
309  // hydrogen-bonded. This means that jatomID should be saved in the new
310  // currentBond
311  hBondNet[iatomIndex].push_back(jatomID);
312  hBondNet[jatomIndex].push_back(iatomID);
313  break; // No need to test the other hydrogen atom if the first has
314  // been tested
315  } // end of loop through hydrogen atoms
317  } // end of loop through the nearest neighbours
319  } // end of loop through the neighbour list
321  // --------------------
323  // Erase all temporary stuff
324  hCloud = molSys::clearPointCloud(&hCloud);
326  return hBondNet;
327 }
344  molSys::PointCloud<molSys::Point<double>, double> *hCloud,
345  std::vector<std::vector<int>> nList) {
346  //
348  hBondNet; // Output vector of vectors containing the HBN
350  molIDlist; // Vector of vectors; first element is the molID, and the next
351  // two elements are the hydrogen atom indices
353  idMolIDmap; // Unordered map with atom IDs of oxygens as the keys and the
354  // molecular IDs as the values
355  std::vector<int> currentBondList; // Current bond list for atom
356  int nnumNeighbours; // Number of nearest neighbours for the current atom
357  int iatomID, jatomID; // Atom IDs
358  int iatomIndex, jatomIndex; // Atomic indices of oxygen atoms
359  int hAtomIndex; // Atom index of hydrogen
360  int listIndex; // Index in molIDlist corresponding to a particular molecular
361  // ID
362  int jOxyMolID; // Molecular ID of the jatom oxygen atom
363  double hBondLen; // Length of O-H (between the donor O and acceptor H)
364  double distCutoff = 2.42; // Distance cutoff of O-H, hard-coded
365  double angleCutoff = 30; // Angle cutoff in degrees
366  std::vector<double> ooVec; // Array for the O--O vector
367  std::vector<double> ohVec; // Array for the O-H vector
369  // --------------------
370  // Get the unordered map of the oxygen atom IDs (keys) and the molecular IDs
371  // (values)
372  idMolIDmap = molSys::createIDMolIDmap(yCloud);
374  // Get a vector of vectors with the molID in the first column, and the
375  // hydrogen atom indices (not ID) in each row
376  molIDlist = molSys::hAtomMolList(hCloud, yCloud);
378  // Initialize the vector of vectors hBondNet
379  for (int iatom = 0; iatom < yCloud->nop; iatom++) {
380  hBondNet.push_back(std::vector<int>()); // Empty vector for the index iatom
381  // Fill the first element with the atom ID of iatom itself
382  hBondNet[iatom].push_back(yCloud->pts[iatom].atomID);
383  } // end of init of hBondNet
385  // Loop through the neighbour list
386  for (int iatom = 0; iatom < nList.size(); iatom++) {
387  currentBondList.clear(); // Clear the current bond vector
388  iatomID = nList[iatom][0]; // atom ID corresponding to iatom
389  nnumNeighbours = nList[iatom].size() - 1; // No. of nearest neighbours
390  iatomIndex = iatom; // Atomic index
391  //
392  // Loop through the nearest neighbours
393  for (int j = 1; j <= nnumNeighbours; j++) {
394  jatomID = nList[iatom][j]; // Atom ID of the nearest neighbour
395  // Get the hydrogen atom indices corresponding to the molID of jatomID
396  // Find jOxyMolID
397  auto it = idMolIDmap.find(jatomID);
398  if (it != idMolIDmap.end()) {
399  jOxyMolID = it->second;
400  } // found molecular ID of jatom oxygen atom
401  else {
402  continue;
403  } // not found
405  // Find the index inside the molIDlist corresponding to the molecular ID
406  // to look for
407  listIndex = molSys::searchMolList(molIDlist, jOxyMolID);
409  // Get the atom index of the oxygen atom jatom corresponding jatomID
410  auto gotJ = yCloud->idIndexMap.find(jatomID);
411  if (gotJ != yCloud->idIndexMap.end()) {
412  jatomIndex = gotJ->second;
413  } // found atom index of jatomID
414  else {
415  std::cerr << "Something is wrong with the map.\n";
416  continue;
417  } // index not found
419  // Loop through the hydrogen atoms connected to jatom oxygen atom
420  for (int k = 1; k <= 2; k++) {
421  hAtomIndex = molIDlist[listIndex][k];
422  // --------
423  // Condition One: The O-H length (between the donor hydrogen atom and
424  // the acceptor oxygen atom) should be less than 2.42 Angstrom
425  // (hard-coded)
426  hBondLen =
427  bond::getHbondDistanceOH(yCloud, hCloud, iatomIndex, hAtomIndex);
429  // If O-H distance is greater than or equal to 2.42 then it is not a
430  // hydrogen bond
431  if (hBondLen >= distCutoff) {
432  continue;
433  } // not a hydrogen bond
434  // --------
435  // Condition Two: The angle between the O-H and O--O vectors is less
436  // than 30 degrees (hard-coded)
437  //
438  ooVec.clear();
439  ohVec.clear();
440  // Get the O--O and O-H vectors
441  // O--O
442  ooVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].x -
443  yCloud->pts[jatomIndex].x); // dx
444  ooVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].y -
445  yCloud->pts[jatomIndex].y); // dy
446  ooVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].z -
447  yCloud->pts[jatomIndex].z); // dz
448  // O-H
449  ohVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].x -
450  hCloud->pts[hAtomIndex].x); // dx
451  ohVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].y -
452  hCloud->pts[hAtomIndex].y); // dy
453  ohVec.push_back(yCloud->pts[iatomIndex].z -
454  hCloud->pts[hAtomIndex].z); // dz
455  // Apply PBCs
456  for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
457  ooVec[l] -= yCloud->box[l] * round(ooVec[l] / yCloud->box[l]);
458  ohVec[l] -= yCloud->box[l] * round(ohVec[l] / yCloud->box[l]);
459  } // end of applying PBCs to the O-H and O--O vectors
460  //
461  // Get the angle between the O--O and O-H vectors
462  double eigenAngle = gen::eigenVecAngle(ooVec, ohVec);
463  double eigenAngleDeg = gen::radDeg(eigenAngle);
465  //
466  // A hydrogen bond is formed if the angle is less than 30 degrees
467  if (eigenAngleDeg > angleCutoff) {
468  continue;
469  } // not a hydrogen bond
471  // If you have reached this point, then O and H and indeed
472  // hydrogen-bonded. This means that jatomID should be saved in the new
473  // currentBond
474  hBondNet[iatomIndex].push_back(jatomID);
475  hBondNet[jatomIndex].push_back(iatomID);
476  break; // No need to test the other hydrogen atom if the first has
477  // been tested
478  } // end of loop through hydrogen atoms
480  } // end of loop through the nearest neighbours
482  } // end of loop through the neighbour list
484  // --------------------
486  return hBondNet;
487 }
499  molSys::PointCloud<molSys::Point<double>, double> *oCloud,
500  molSys::PointCloud<molSys::Point<double>, double> *hCloud, int oAtomIndex,
501  int hAtomIndex) {
502  std::array<double, 3> dr; // relative distance in the X, Y, Z dimensions
503  double r2 = 0.0; // Bond length
505  dr[0] = oCloud->pts[oAtomIndex].x - hCloud->pts[hAtomIndex].x;
506  dr[1] = oCloud->pts[oAtomIndex].y - hCloud->pts[hAtomIndex].y;
507  dr[2] = oCloud->pts[oAtomIndex].z - hCloud->pts[hAtomIndex].z;
509  // Apply the PBCs and get the squared area
510  for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
511  dr[k] -= oCloud->box[k] * round(dr[k] / oCloud->box[k]);
512  r2 += pow(dr[k], 2.0);
513  } // end of applying the PBCs and getting the squared area
514  return sqrt(r2);
515 }
530  std::vector<cage::Cage> *cageList,
531  cage::cageType type, int *nRings) {
532  std::vector<std::vector<int>> bonds; // Output vector of vectors
533  std::vector<int> currentBond; // Vector for the current bond
534  int ringSize = rings[0].size();
535  int currentRing; // (vector) index of the current ring in a particular cage
537  // Error handling
538  if (rings.size() == 0) {
539  // There is some problem!
540  std::cerr << "There are no rings in the system!\n";
541  return bonds;
542  }
544  // Form of the bonds vector of vectors:
545  // 272 214
546  // 1 2
547  // Meaning that 272 and 214 are bonded; similarly 1 and 2 are bonded
549  // Traverse the cageList vector of Cages
551  *nRings = 0; // init
553  // Loop through all the cages
554  for (int icage = 0; icage < (*cageList).size(); icage++) {
555  // Skip if the cage is of a different type
556  if ((*cageList)[icage].type != type) {
557  continue;
558  }
559  *nRings += (*cageList)[icage].rings.size(); // Add to the number of rings
560  //
561  // Now loop through a particular ring inside the i^th cage
562  for (int iring = 0; iring < (*cageList)[icage].rings.size(); iring++) {
563  currentRing = (*cageList)[icage].rings[iring]; // Current ring index
564  // Get the first atom of each pair inside currentRing
565  for (int k = 0; k < rings[currentRing].size() - 1; k++) {
566  // Clear the current bond vector
567  currentBond.clear();
568  // Fill the current bond vector
569  currentBond.push_back(rings[currentRing][k]);
570  currentBond.push_back(rings[currentRing][k + 1]);
571  std::sort(currentBond.begin(), currentBond.end());
572  // Add to the bonds vector of vectors
573  bonds.push_back(currentBond);
574  } // end of loop through ring elements, except the last one
575  // The last pair is with the last element and the first element
576  // Fill currentBond and update bonds
577  currentBond.clear();
578  currentBond.push_back(rings[currentRing][ringSize - 1]);
579  currentBond.push_back(rings[currentRing][0]);
580  std::sort(currentBond.begin(), currentBond.end());
581  bonds.push_back(currentBond);
582  } // end of loop through a particular ring
583  } // end of loop through cages
585  // This may have duplicates, so the duplicates should be removed
586  std::sort(bonds.begin(), bonds.end());
587  bonds.erase(std::unique(bonds.begin(), bonds.end()), bonds.end());
589  return bonds;
590 }
602  reversedBond; // Vector for the current bond in reversed order
603  std::vector<bool> isBondFlag;
604  int temp = 0;
606  std::sort(bonds.begin(), bonds.end());
607  bonds.erase(std::unique(bonds.begin(), bonds.end()), bonds.end());
609  // // Temp uncommented
610  // // Resize the flag vector and init to true
611  // isBondFlag.resize(bonds.size(), true);
612  // // Form of the bonds vector of vectors:
613  // // 272 214
614  // // 1 2
615  // // Meaning that 272 and 214 are bonded; similarly 1 and 2 are bonded
617  // // Traverse the bonds vector of vectors
619  // // Loop through all the bonds
620  // for(int ibond=0; ibond<bonds.size(); ibond++){
622  // // Skip if the bond has been flagged as false
623  // if(isBondFlag[ibond] == false){continue;}
625  // reversedBond.clear();
626  // reversedBond.push_back( bonds[ibond][1] );
627  // reversedBond.push_back( bonds[ibond][0] );
629  // // Compare with other bonds by looping through
630  // // the rest
631  // for(int jbond=0; jbond<bonds.size(); jbond++){
632  // // Skip if jbond has been flagged
633  // if(isBondFlag[jbond] == false){continue;}
634  // // Compare reversed bond and jbond if jbond has not been flagged yet
635  // if(reversedBond==bonds[jbond]){
636  // isBondFlag[jbond] = false;
637  // temp++;
638  // } // end of check of comparison
639  // } // end of looping through all possible bonds
640  // } // end of loop through all possible bonds
641  // // temp
643  return bonds;
644 }
T begin(T... args)
File for bond-related analyses (hydrogen bonds, bonded atoms for data file write-outs etc....
T clear(T... args)
T end(T... args)
T erase(T... args)
T find(T... args)
File for containing generic or common functions.
std::vector< std::vector< int > > populateHbonds(std::string filename, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, int targetFrame, int Htype)
Definition: bond.cpp:174
std::vector< std::vector< int > > populateHbondsWithInputClouds(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *hCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList)
Definition: bond.cpp:343
std::vector< std::vector< int > > trimBonds(std::vector< std::vector< int >> bonds)
Remove duplicate bonds.
Definition: bond.cpp:600
std::vector< std::vector< int > > populateBonds(std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud)
Definition: bond.cpp:26
double getHbondDistanceOH(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *oCloud, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *hCloud, int oAtomIndex, int hAtomIndex)
Definition: bond.cpp:498
std::vector< std::vector< int > > createBondsFromCages(std::vector< std::vector< int >> rings, std::vector< cage::Cage > *cageList, cage::cageType type, int *nRings)
Definition: bond.cpp:529
Definition: cage.hpp:54
double eigenVecAngle(std::vector< double > OO, std::vector< double > OH)
Eigen function for getting the angle (in radians) between the O–O and O-H vectors.
Definition: generic.cpp:155
double radDeg(double angle)
Definition: generic.hpp:61
std::vector< std::vector< int > > hAtomMolList(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *hCloud, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *oCloud)
Definition: mol_sys.cpp:89
std::unordered_map< int, int > createIDMolIDmap(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud)
Definition: mol_sys.cpp:44
int searchMolList(std::vector< std::vector< int >> molList, int molIDtoFind)
Definition: mol_sys.cpp:131
std::vector< S > pts
Definition: mol_sys.hpp:171
molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > clearPointCloud(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud)
//! Function for clearing vectors in PointCloud after multiple usage
Definition: mol_sys.cpp:24
molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > readLammpsTrjreduced(std::string filename, int targetFrame, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, int typeI, bool isSlice=false, std::array< double, 3 > coordLow=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0}, std::array< double, 3 > coordHigh=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0})
T push_back(T... args)
T size(T... args)
T sort(T... args)
This contains a collection of points; contains information for a particular frame.
Definition: mol_sys.hpp:170
This contains per-particle information.
Definition: mol_sys.hpp:149
T unique(T... args)