Nabsor | |
Nbackward | |
Nbond | Functions for bond-related analyses |
▼Ncage | Functions for topological network criteria cage types. This namespace contains structs and enums for cage types |
CCage | This contains a cage, with the constituent rings |
▼Nchill | CHILL and CHILL+ structure classification. This namespace contains functions that are used in the CHILL/CHILL+ classification scheme, as well as a yodaCloud struct to hold all the information |
CYlmAtom | This contains a complex vector of length |
CQlmAtom | This is the local orientational bond order parameter , of length |
Nclump | Clustering functions. This namespace contains functions that are used in the for clustering ice-like particles |
Ngen | Small generic functions that are shared by all namespaces |
Nmatch | |
▼NmolSys | Bare-bones structs used throughout the architecture. @detials This namespace defines Point and PointCloud structs, alongwith other basic functions and enums |
CResult | This contains the bond classifier of enum class type bond_type, and the bond correlation factor |
CPoint | This contains per-particle information |
CPointCloud | This contains a collection of points; contains information for a particular frame |
Nnneigh | Functions for building neighbour lists. This namespace contains functions that build neighbour lists (using brute-force), saving either the atom IDs or atom indices (according to a PointCloud) in a row-ordered vector of vectors. Whether the atom IDs or atom indices (i.e. the indices of the elements in the vector pts inside the PointCloud) are saved, the neighbour lists are constructed such that the first element is the 'central atom', whose neighbours are being saved on that particular line. The central atom is followed by the atom IDs or indices of the nearest neighbours |
NpntToPnt | |
▼Nprimitive | Functions for generating primitive rings. This namespace contains struct definitions and functions that are used for generating primitive (shortest-path) rings (directed cyclic graphs) |
CVertex | This is a collection of elements, for each point, required for graph traversal |
CGraph | This is a per-frame object, containing all the vertices for the particular frame, along with the vector of rings generated |
Nprism3 | |
Nrdf2 | Defines RDF-specific functions |
Nring | Topological network criteria functions |
Nsinp | Functions for the d-SEAMS readers |
Nsout | |
Nsph | Functions used for spherical harmonics |
Nstd | STL namespace |
Ntopoparam | |
Ntum3 | |