main.cpp File Reference
#include <array>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "opt_parser.h"
#include <bond.hpp>
#include <bop.hpp>
#include <bulkTUM.hpp>
#include <cluster.hpp>
#include <franzblau.hpp>
#include <generic.hpp>
#include <mol_sys.hpp>
#include <neighbours.hpp>
#include <rdf2d.hpp>
#include <ring.hpp>
#include <seams_input.hpp>
#include <seams_output.hpp>
#include <topo_bulk.hpp>
#include <topo_one_dim.hpp>
#include <topo_two_dim.hpp>
#include <selection.hpp>
#include <rang.hpp>
#include <sol/sol.hpp>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
+ Include dependency graph for main.cpp:

Go to the source code of this file.


int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Function Documentation

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 53 of file main.cpp.

53  {
54  // Parse Things
55  auto result = parse(argc, argv);
56  auto &arguments = result.arguments();
57  // Initialize yaml config
58  YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile(result["c"].as<std::string>());
59  // This is a dummy used to figure out the order of options (cmd > yml)
60  std::string script, tFile;
61  // Initialize Lua
62  sol::state lua;
63  // Use all libraries
64  lua.open_libraries();
65  // Get the trajectory string
66  if (config["trajectory"]) {
67  tFile = config["trajectory"].as<std::string>();
68  } // end of getting the trajectory
69  // Get variable file string
70  std::string vars = config["variables"].as<std::string>();
71  // --------------------------------------
72  // Structure determination block for TWO-DIMENSIONAL ICE
73  if (config["topoTwoDim"]["use"].as<bool>()) {
74  // Use the variables script
75  lua.script_file(vars);
76  // -----------------
77  // Variables which must be declared in C++
78  //
79  // Newer pointCloud (rescloud -> ice structure, solcloud -> largest cluster)
81  // Some neighbor lists
82  std::vector<std::vector<int>> nList, hbnList;
83  // For the list of all rings (of all sizes)
84  std::vector<std::vector<int>> ringsAllSizes;
86  // RDF stuff
87  std::vector<double> rdfValues; // RDF vector
88  // -----------------
89  // This section basically only registers functions and handles the rest in
90  // lua Use the functions defined here
91  auto lscript = lua.get<std::string>("functionScript");
92  // Transfer variables to lua
93  lua["doBOP"] = config["bulk"]["use"].as<bool>();
94  lua["topoOneDim"] = config["topoOneDim"]["use"].as<bool>();
95  lua["topoTwoDim"] = config["topoTwoDim"]["use"].as<bool>();
96  lua["topoBulk"] = config["bulk"]["use"].as<bool>();
97  //
98  lua["nList"] = &nList;
99  lua["hbnList"] = &hbnList;
100  lua["resCloud"] = &resCloud;
101  lua["trajectory"] = tFile;
102  // Confined ice stuff
103  lua["ringsAllSizes"] = &rings;
104  // RDF stuff
105  lua["rdf"] = &rdfValues;
106  // -----------------
107  // Register functions
108  //
109  // Writing stuff
110  // Generic requirements
111  lua.set_function("readFrameOnlyOne", sinp::readLammpsTrjreduced);
112  lua.set_function("readFrameOnlyOneAllAtoms", sinp::readLammpsTrj); // reads in all atoms regardless of type
113  lua.set_function("neighborList", nneigh::neighListO);
114  // -----------------
115  // Topological Network Method Specific Functions
116  // Generic requirements (read in only inside the slice)
117  lua.set_function("getHbondNetwork", bond::populateHbonds);
118  lua.set_function("bondNetworkByIndex", nneigh::neighbourListByIndex);
119  // -----------------
120  // Primitive rings
121  lua.set_function("getPrimitiveRings", primitive::ringNetwork);
122  // -----------------
123  // Quasi-two-dimensional ice
124  lua.set_function("ringAnalysis", ring::polygonRingAnalysis);
125  // --------------------------
126  // RDF functions
127  lua.set_function("calcRDF", rdf2::rdf2Danalysis_AA);
128  // --------------------------
129  // Use the script
130  lua.script_file(lscript);
131  // --------------------------
133  } // end of two-dimensional ice block
134  // --------------------------------------
135  // Structure determination block for ONE-DIMENSIONAL ICE
136  if (config["topoOneDim"]["use"].as<bool>()) {
137  // Use the script
138  lua.script_file(vars);
139  // -----------------
140  // Variables which must be declared in C++
141  //
142  // Newer pointCloud (rescloud -> ice structure, solcloud -> largest cluster)
144  molSys::PointCloud<molSys::Point<double>, double> oCloud; // O atom pointCloud
145  molSys::PointCloud<molSys::Point<double>, double> hCloud; // H atom pointCloud
146  // Some neighbor
147  std::vector<std::vector<int>> nList, hbnList;
148  // For the list of all rings (of all sizes)
149  std::vector<std::vector<int>> ringsAllSizes;
151  int atomID;
152  // -----------------
153  // This section basically only registers functions and handles the rest in
154  // lua Use the functions defined here
155  auto lscript = lua.get<std::string>("functionScript");
156  // Transfer variables to lua
157  lua["doBOP"] = config["bulk"]["use"].as<bool>();
158  lua["topoOneDim"] = config["topoOneDim"]["use"].as<bool>();
159  lua["topoTwoDim"] = config["topoTwoDim"]["use"].as<bool>();
160  lua["topoBulk"] = config["bulk"]["use"].as<bool>();
161  //
162  lua["nList"] = &nList;
163  lua["hbnList"] = &hbnList;
164  lua["resCloud"] = &resCloud;
165  lua["oCloud"] = &oCloud;
166  lua["hCloud"] = &hCloud;
167  lua["trajectory"] = tFile;
168  // Confined ice stuff
169  lua["ringsAllSizes"] = &rings;
170  lua["lowestAtomID"] = &atomID;
171  // Register functions
172  //
173  // Writing stuff
174  // Generic requirements
175  lua.set_function("readFrameOnlyOne", sinp::readLammpsTrjreduced);
176  lua.set_function("readFrameOnlyOneAllAtoms", sinp::readLammpsTrj); // reads in all atoms regardless of type
177  lua.set_function("neighborList", nneigh::neighListO);
178  // -----------------
179  // Topological Network Method Specific Functions
180  // Generic requirements (read in only inside the slice)
181  lua.set_function("getHbondNetwork", bond::populateHbonds);
182  lua.set_function("bondNetworkByIndex", nneigh::neighbourListByIndex);
183  // -----------------
184  // Primitive rings
185  lua.set_function("getPrimitiveRings", primitive::ringNetwork);
186  // -----------------
187  // Quasi-one-dimensional ice
188  lua.set_function("prismAnalysis", ring::prismAnalysis);
189  // --------------------------
190  // Use the script
191  lua.script_file(lscript);
192  // --------------------------
194  } // end of one-dimensional ice block
195  // --------------------------------------
196  // Ice Structure Determination for BULK ICE
197  if (config["bulk"]["use"].as<bool>()) {
198  // Use the variables script
199  lua.script_file(vars);
200  // Variables which must be declared in C++
201  //
202  // Newer pointCloud (rescloud -> ice structure, solcloud -> largest
203  molSys::PointCloud<molSys::Point<double>, double> resCloud, solCloud;
204  // PointCloud for O atoms and H atoms separately
205  molSys::PointCloud<molSys::Point<double>, double> oCloud, hCloud;
206  // Some neighbor
208  hbnList; // Neighbour lists (by cutoff and hydrogen-bonded neighbour
209  // lists)
211  iceList; // Neighbour list for the largest ice cluster
212  // For averaged q6
213  std::vector<double> avgQ6;
214  // For the list of all rings (of all sizes)
215  std::vector<std::vector<int>> ringsAllSizes;
217  // -----------------
218  // Variables defined in C++ specific to confined systems
220  // This section basically only registers functions and handles the rest in
221  // lua lua Use the functions defined here
222  auto lscript = lua.get<std::string>("functionScript");
223  // Transfer variables to lua
224  lua["doBOP"] = config["bulk"]["bondOrderParameters"].as<bool>();
225  lua["topoOneDim"] = config["topoOneDim"]["use"].as<bool>();
226  lua["topoTwoDim"] = config["topoTwoDim"]["use"].as<bool>();
227  lua["topoBulk"] = config["bulk"]["topologicalNetworkCriterion"].as<bool>();
228  //
229  lua["nList"] = &nList;
230  lua["hbnList"] = &hbnList;
231  lua["iceNeighbourList"] = &iceList;
232  lua["resCloud"] = &resCloud;
233  lua["oCloud"] = &oCloud;
234  lua["hCloud"] = &hCloud;
235  lua["clusterCloud"] = &solCloud;
236  lua["avgQ6"] = &avgQ6;
237  lua["trajectory"] = tFile;
238  // Confined ice stuff
239  lua["ringsAllSizes"] = &rings;
240  // Register functions
241  //
242  // Writing stuff
243  lua.set_function("writeDump", sout::writeDump);
244  lua.set_function("writeHistogram", sout::writeHisto);
245  // Generic requirements
246  lua.set_function("readFrame", sinp::readLammpsTrjO);
247  lua.set_function("neighborList", nneigh::neighListO);
248  // CHILL+ and modifications
249  lua.set_function("chillPlus_cij", chill::getCorrelPlus);
250  lua.set_function("chillPlus_iceType", chill::getIceTypePlus);
251  // CHILL functions
252  lua.set_function("chill_cij", chill::getCorrel);
253  lua.set_function("chill_iceType", chill::getIceType);
254  // Reclassify using q6
255  lua.set_function("averageQ6", chill::getq6);
256  lua.set_function("modifyChill", chill::reclassifyWater);
257  lua.set_function("percentage_Ice", chill::printIceType);
258  // Largest ice cluster
259  lua.set_function("clusterAnalysis", clump::clusterAnalysis);
260  lua.set_function("recenterCluster", clump::recenterClusterCloud);
261  // -----------------
262  // Selection Functions
263  // Function for getting an output PointCloud of a particular atom type from an existing PointCloud
264  lua.set_function("getPointCloudAtomsOfOneAtomType", gen::getPointCloudOneAtomType);
265  lua.set_function("selectInSingleSlice", gen::moleculesInSingleSlice);
266  lua.set_function("selectEdgeAtomsInRingsWithinSlice", ring::getEdgeMoleculesInRings);
267  lua.set_function("selectAtomsInSliceWithRingEdgeAtoms", ring::printSliceGetEdgeMoleculesInRings);
268  // -----------------
269  // Topological Network Methods
270  // Generic requirements (read in only inside the slice)
271  lua.set_function("readFrameOnlyOne", sinp::readLammpsTrjreduced);
272  lua.set_function("readFrameOnlyOneAllAtoms", sinp::readLammpsTrj); // reads in all atoms regardless of type
273  lua.set_function("getHbondNetwork", bond::populateHbonds);
274  lua.set_function("getHbondNetworkFromClouds", bond::populateHbondsWithInputClouds);
275  lua.set_function("bondNetworkByIndex", nneigh::neighbourListByIndex);
276  // -----------------
277  // Primitive rings
278  lua.set_function("getPrimitiveRings", primitive::ringNetwork);
279  // Function for just getting and writing out the ring numbers
280  lua.set_function("bulkRingNumberAnalysis", ring::bulkPolygonRingAnalysis);
281  // -----------------
282  // Bulk ice, using the topological network criterion
283  lua.set_function("bulkTopologicalNetworkCriterion", ring::topoBulkAnalysis);
284  // --------------------------
285  // Bulk ice, using the TUM (Topological Unit Matching Criterion). No need to
286  // use bulkTopologicalNetworkCriterion if you use this function
287  lua.set_function("bulkTopoUnitMatching", tum3::topoUnitMatchingBulk);
288  // --------------------------
289  // Use the script
290  lua.script_file(lscript);
291  // --------------------------
293  } // end of bulk ice structure determination block
294  // --------------------------------------
296  std::cout << rang::style::bold
297  << fmt::format("Welcome to the Black Parade.\nYou ran:-\n")
298  << rang::style::reset
299  << fmt::format("\nBulk Ice Analysis: {}",
300  config["bulk"]["use"].as<bool>())
301  << fmt::format("\nQuasi-one-dimensional Ice Analysis: {}",
302  config["topoOneDim"]["use"].as<bool>())
303  << fmt::format("\nQuasi-two-dimensional Ice Analysis: {}",
304  config["topoTwoDim"]["use"].as<bool>())
305  << "\n";
307  return 0;
308 }
std::vector< std::vector< int > > populateHbonds(std::string filename, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, int targetFrame, int Htype)
Definition: bond.cpp:174
std::vector< std::vector< int > > populateHbondsWithInputClouds(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *hCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList)
Definition: bond.cpp:343
std::vector< double > getq6(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, bool isSlice=false)
Definition: bop.cpp:868
molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > getCorrelPlus(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, bool isSlice=false)
Gets c_ij and then classifies bond types according to the CHILL+ algorithm.
Definition: bop.cpp:602
molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > getIceTypePlus(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, std::string path, int firstFrame, bool isSlice=false, std::string outputFileName="chillPlus.txt")
Classifies each atom according to the CHILL+ algorithm.
Definition: bop.cpp:755
molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > getCorrel(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, bool isSlice=false)
Definition: bop.cpp:299
int printIceType(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::string path, int firstFrame, bool isSlice=false, std::string outputFileName="superChill.txt")
Prints out the iceType for a particular frame onto the terminal.
Definition: bop.cpp:1060
molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > reclassifyWater(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::vector< double > *q6)
Definition: bop.cpp:1011
molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > getIceType(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, std::string path, int firstFrame, bool isSlice=false, std::string outputFileName="chill.txt")
Classifies each atom according to the CHILL algorithm.
Definition: bop.cpp:505
int recenterClusterCloud(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *iceCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList)
Recenters the coordinates of a pointCloud.
Definition: cluster.cpp:398
int clusterAnalysis(std::string path, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *iceCloud, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, std::vector< std::vector< int >> &iceNeighbourList, double cutoff, int firstFrame, std::string bopAnalysis="q6")
Definition: cluster.cpp:312
std::vector< std::vector< int > > neighListO(double rcutoff, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, int typeI)
Definition: neighbours.cpp:118
std::vector< std::vector< int > > neighbourListByIndex(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList)
Definition: neighbours.cpp:341
std::vector< std::vector< int > > ringNetwork(std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, int maxDepth)
Definition: franzblau.cpp:32
int bulkPolygonRingAnalysis(std::string path, std::vector< std::vector< int >> rings, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, int maxDepth, int firstFrame)
Definition: topo_bulk.cpp:44
int topoBulkAnalysis(std::string path, std::vector< std::vector< int >> rings, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, int firstFrame, bool onlyTetrahedral=true)
Definition: topo_bulk.cpp:134
int rdf2Danalysis_AA(std::string path, std::vector< double > *rdfValues, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, double cutoff, double binwidth, int firstFrame, int finalFrame)
Definition: rdf2d.cpp:45
int prismAnalysis(std::string path, std::vector< std::vector< int >> rings, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, int maxDepth, int *atomID, int firstFrame, int currentFrame, bool doShapeMatching=false)
molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > getPointCloudOneAtomType(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *outCloud, int atomTypeI, bool isSlice=false, std::array< double, 3 > coordLow=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0}, std::array< double, 3 > coordHigh=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0})
Definition: selection.cpp:37
int topoUnitMatchingBulk(std::string path, std::vector< std::vector< int >> rings, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, int firstFrame, bool printClusters, bool onlyTetrahedral)
Definition: bulkTUM.cpp:52
int polygonRingAnalysis(std::string path, std::vector< std::vector< int >> rings, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, int maxDepth, double sheetArea, int firstFrame)
void moleculesInSingleSlice(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, bool clearPreviousSliceSelection=true, std::array< double, 3 > coordLow=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0}, std::array< double, 3 > coordHigh=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0})
Definition: selection.cpp:147
void getEdgeMoleculesInRings(std::vector< std::vector< int >> rings, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *oCloud, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::array< double, 3 > coordLow, std::array< double, 3 > coordHigh, bool identicalCloud=false)
Definition: selection.cpp:265
void printSliceGetEdgeMoleculesInRings(std::string path, std::vector< std::vector< int >> rings, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *oCloud, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::array< double, 3 > coordLow, std::array< double, 3 > coordHigh, bool identicalCloud=false)
Definition: selection.cpp:375
molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > readLammpsTrj(std::string filename, int targetFrame, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, bool isSlice=false, std::array< double, 3 > coordLow=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0}, std::array< double, 3 > coordHigh=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0})
molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > readLammpsTrjreduced(std::string filename, int targetFrame, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, int typeI, bool isSlice=false, std::array< double, 3 > coordLow=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0}, std::array< double, 3 > coordHigh=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0})
molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > readLammpsTrjO(std::string filename, int targetFrame, molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, int typeO, bool isSlice=false, std::array< double, 3 > coordLow=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0}, std::array< double, 3 > coordHigh=std::array< double, 3 >{0, 0, 0})
int writeDump(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::string path, std::string outFile)
Generic function for writing out to a dump file.
int writeHisto(molSys::PointCloud< molSys::Point< double >, double > *yCloud, std::vector< std::vector< int >> nList, std::vector< double > avgQ6)
cxxopts::ParseResult parse(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: opt_parser.cpp:18
This contains a collection of points; contains information for a particular frame.
Definition: mol_sys.hpp:170