internal Directory Reference


file  absOrientation.hpp [code]
file  bond.hpp [code]
 File for bond-related analyses (hydrogen bonds, bonded atoms for data file write-outs etc.).
file  bop.hpp [code]
 File for the bond order parameter analysis.
file  bulkTUM.hpp [code]
 File containing functions used specific to bulk topological unit matching (TUM) criterion.
file  cage.hpp [code]
 File for cage types for topological network criteria.
file  cluster.hpp [code]
 File for the bond order parameter analysis.
file  franzblau.hpp [code]
 File for generating shortest-path rings according to the Franzblau algorithm.
file  generic.hpp [code]
 File for containing generic or common functions.
file  mol_sys.hpp [code]
 The main molecular system handler.
file  neighbours.hpp [code]
 Header file for neighbour list generation.
file  opt_parser.h [code]
file  order_parameter.hpp [code]
file  pntCorrespondence.hpp [code]
file  rdf2d.hpp [code]
 File containing functions used to calculate the in-plane radial distribution functions.
file  ring.hpp [code]
 File containing common functions used by bulk and confined topological network critera.
file  seams_input.hpp [code]
 File for functions that read in files).
file  seams_output.hpp [code]
file  selection.hpp [code]
 File containing functions used to define 'selections' in a given range, using ring information.
file  shapeMatch.hpp [code]
file  topo_bulk.hpp [code]
 File containing functions used specific to bulk topological network critera.
file  topo_one_dim.hpp [code]
 File containing functions used specific to quasi-one-dimensional topological network critera (the prism identification scheme).
file  topo_two_dim.hpp [code]